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Why anti-theft screws cannot prevent theft

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-06-15      Origin: Site

Anti theft screws, also known as anti disassembly screws, are used by major businesses in today's society to protect their own interests. The so-called anti theft screws are designed to prevent disassembly. In today's society, anti theft screws are also increasingly used, but why can't anti theft screws play a role in preventing theft.

Actually, everyone knows that if someone wants to intentionally damage it, even a good anti-theft screw can be destroyed with brute force. It's not because the anti-theft screw cannot prevent theft. The function of the anti-theft screw is only to better assist in the assembly of instruments that are not easy to disassemble, which does not mean that it is really impossible to disassemble. Therefore, there is a question about why my anti-theft screw cannot prevent theft.

In fact, anti-theft screws can indeed work. Choosing different types of anti-theft screws based on different usage scenarios will have a better effect.

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